Personal Information


Your booking details

How did you make your booking?*
What date did you make your booking?*
If your booking was made through a travel agency or a third party booking website, please let us know which one:
What is the name of the tour/cruise company?*

What date was your tour/cruise due to depart?

(Select as many as applicable)

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Cancellations and Refunds

Who cancelled your booking?*
Have you been offered a refund or credit voucher?*
If you have only been offered a credit voucher, have you asked the tour/cruise company for a refund instead of a credit voucher?
Is the credit voucher to the value of the original booking?

Tell us your story



To assist with our investigation, we'd be grateful if you could upload your booking confirmation as well as any communications (such as emails) you have had with or received from the tour/cruise company or travel agent.
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Slater and Gordon's Privacy Policy
